Students search interest model over an organisation based on web log data

A.R. Sivakumaran, P. Marikkannu
2018 International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining  
Browsing information through web has become part and parcel of life. There is hardly any user who does not browse through web. Generally, any user when in search for content only looks at the top ten pages that get displayed in the web search. Therefore, it has been proposed that the information such as the link that is created between both visited and unvisited web pages along with the path that is chosen in the search query needs a novel technique to give the best performance. The operation
more » ... ature matrix (OFM) is used as one of the novel functionalities that have been used for extracting the data from the web. The automatically identified user profile is the graph-based that is called as the modified page outlook (MPO) graph was proposed that involves a link between the visited and the unvisited web pages. Keywords: web mining; web log data inter relation; intra-relation; total number of paths; total number of relations modified page outlook; MOP. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Sivakumaran, AR. and Marikkannu, P. (2018) 'Students search interest model over an organisation based on web log data', Int.
doi:10.1504/ijbidm.2018.088419 fatcat:brfeu6xfmjbp3cpo4q53jxtmgy