Model Based Monitoring Using Integrated Data Validation, Simulation And Parameter Estimation

Reza Hayati, Maryam Sadi, Saeid Shokri, Mehdi Ahmadi Marvast, Saeid Hassan Boroojerdi, Amin Hamzavi Abedi
2011 Zenodo  
Efficient and safe plant operation can only be achieved if the operators are able to monitor all key process parameters. Instrumentation is used to measure many process variables, like temperatures, pressures, flow rates, compositions or other product properties. Therefore Performance monitoring is a suitable tool for operators. In this paper, we integrate rigorous simulation model, data reconciliation and parameter estimation to monitor process equipments and determine key performance
more » ... (KPI) of them. The applied method here has been implemented in two case studies.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1076708 fatcat:nqa74ipvx5eaddmrddjnhpbtwu