Corrected analytical solution of the generalized Woods–Saxon potential for arbitrary $\ell $ states

O Bayrak, E Aciksoz
2014 Physica Scripta  
The bound state solution of the radial Schrödinger equation with the generalized Woods-Saxon potential is carefully examined by using the Pekeris approximation for arbitrary ℓ states. The energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions are analytically obtained for different n and ℓ quantum numbers. The obtained closed forms are applied to calculate the single particle energy levels of neutron orbiting around ^56Fe nucleus in order to check consistency between the analytical and Gamow
more » ... de results. The analytical results are in good agreement with the results obtained by Gamow code for ℓ=0.
doi:10.1088/0031-8949/90/1/015302 fatcat:uuclerqslvdtdom6nazbdqlo2m