Examining Polarimetric Radar Observations of Bulk Microphysical Structures and Their Relation to Vortex Kinematics in Hurricane Arthur (2014)

Anthony C. Didlake, Matthew R. Kumjian
2017 Monthly Weather Review  
Dual-polarization radar observations were taken of Hurricane Arthur prior to and during landfall, providing needed insight into the microphysics of tropical cyclone precipitation. A total of 30 h of data were composited and analyzed by annuli capturing storm features (eyewall, inner rainbands, and outer rainbands) and by azimuth relative to the deep-layer environmental wind shear vector. Polarimetric radar variables displayed distinct signatures indicating a transition from convective to
more » ... orm precipitation in the downshear-right to downshear-left quadrants, which is an organization consistent with the expected kinematic asymmetry of a sheared tropical cyclone. In the downshear-right quadrant, vertical profiles of differential reflectivity Z DR and copolar correlation coefficient r HV were more vertically stretched within and above the melting layer at all annuli, which is attributed to convective processes. An analysis of specific differential phase K DP indicated that nonspherical ice particles had an increased presence in two layers: just above the melting level and near 8-km altitude. Here, convective updrafts generated ice particles in the lower layer, which were likely columnar crystals, and increased the available moisture in the upper layer, leading to increased planar crystal growth. A sharp transition in hydrometeor population occurred downwind in the downshear-left quadrant where Z DR and r HV profiles were more peaked within the melting layer. Above the melting layer, these signatures indicated reduced ice column counts and shape diversity owing to aggregation in a predominantly stratiform regime. The rainband quadrants exhibited a sharper transition compared to the eyewall quadrants owing to weaker winds and longer distances that decreased azimuthal mixing of ice hydrometeors.
doi:10.1175/mwr-d-17-0035.1 fatcat:j7lxowa5gbfsznox4gx77galn4