Avances en el desarrollo de interconectores metálicos de celdas SOFC

J. Alvarado-Flores
2013 Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio  
Palabras clave: Celdas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFC); Interconector; Espinela; Revestimiento. Advances in the development of metallic interconnects of SOFC cells Interest in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) stems from their higher efficiencies and lower levels of emitted pollutants, compared to traditional power production methods. Interconnects are a critical part in SOFC stacks, which connect cells in series electrically, and also separate air or oxygen at the cathode side from fuel at
more » ... e anode side. Therefore, the requirements of interconnects are the most demanding, i.e., to maintain high electrical conductivity, good stability in both reducing and oxidizing atmospheres, and close thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) match and good compatibility with other SOFC ceramic components. This paper reviewed the interconnect materials, and coatings for metallic interconnect materials in a SOFC cell.
doi:10.3989/cyv.252013 fatcat:x4lfzet6evfjxlpzuagwtybnj4