V. Anishchenko
2021 Zenodo  
In today's rapidly changing world, education plays a key role. Education is one of the main factors of sustainable development of the state and society. Filling the professional training system of obtainers of the second (master's) level of higher education with the new content is connected with the need to meet the requirements of the new educational standard for training specialists of 262 «Law Enforcement» specialty, implementation of international standards in law enforcement and criminal
more » ... d executive spheres, understanding of the formation of professional competence of future officers and personnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, other law enforcement agencies, and especially one of its components – the pedagogical one. The purpose of the study is to identify areas for improvement of professional training of master students – future law enforcement officers through the prism of basic approaches on construction of pedagogical competence as part of their professional competence The methodology of the article is based on latest provisions of pedagogical science and law, reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the formation process of future officers' pedagogical competence and personnel of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, other law enforcement agencies. Scientific novelty. The performed researches allowed revealing the main approaches to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for solving pedagogical tasks in the professional activity of future law enforcement specialists who obtained a master's degree. Conclusion. The author of the article has made the analyses of the current situation of the pedagogical competence formation process as a component of professional competence, future law enforcement specialists, including officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, who are obtainers of the second (master's) level of higher educatio [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4769543 fatcat:vbhjou2ydrdjjgp5lyis2hce4i