Disgust and the rubber hand illusion: A registered replication report of Jalal, Krishnakumar, and Ramachandran (2015) [post]

Hiroshi Nitta, Haruto Tomita, Yi Zhang, Xinxin Zhou, Yuki Yamada
2016 unpublished
Heightened experience of disgust is a feature of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), particularly in contamination-related OCD (C-OCD). Previous studies of the rubber hand illusion (RHI) reported that the sense of body ownership is related to the interaction between vision, touch, and proprioception. A recent study demonstrated a link between the RHI and disgust, reporting an interaction between these three perceptual modalities and disgust (Jalal, Krishnakumar, Ramachandran, 2015). However,
more » ... ere have been no direct replications of this initial study. We proposed a direct replication of Jalal et al.'s (2015) study. Based on a power analysis, we examined a minimum of 119 participants to determine whether placing contamination-related stimuli on a rubber hand causes OCD-like disgust among healthy participants while experiencing the RHI. In addition, we tested the cross-cultural validity of the previous findings, testing whether Japanese participants experience more intense disgust when a rubber hand and a participant's hidden hand were stroked synchronously, compared with asynchronous stroking. This replication provides insight into potential applications of this study protocol in the treatment of OCD.
doi:10.31234/osf.io/22myu fatcat:5wxl6nl33nc4fpt5rshimm46le