Therapy with Antig^|^egrave;ne M^|^eacute;thylique,Combined with Potassium Iodide and Antitubercular Agents
Antigene Methylique 並にヨードカリと抗結核剤との併用療法について

Senichiro Hashimoto, Tooru Matsumoto, Ichiteru Shishioka, Seiji Imabayashi, Dentaro Kurokawa, Hiroko Maeda, Tatsuko Yamamoto, Hisako Takano, Tomie Kawahara
1958 The Journal of Kansai Medical University  
12 cases of the chronic cavernous tuberculosis,which had shown no remarkable response to the common antitubercular agents,were divided into 2 groups. While 6 cases of them were treated with KJ and antitubercular agents(SM,PAS and INAH),the other 6 were treated with antigene methylique,combined with KJ and antitubercular agents.Roentgenological, bacteriological and other clinical observation revealed no remarkable difference between the effects of the two therapeutic schedules contrary to the French reports.
doi:10.5361/jkmu1956.10.2_65 fatcat:jjw6b6fg3jhpdgc5wonvnvnipy