Hydroponic Culture of Fast Plants in Nutrient Conditions Lacking Macro-and Micronutrient Elements by Using the "Aiterrarium" via the Internet

Hidetoshi ANDOH, Maiko SAKAI, Shingo BABA
2011 Journal of Research in Science Education  
The purpose of this research is to ve rify hydroponi c culture test under nutrien t deficiency of Fast plants (Brassica rapa) to ma ke students unde rsta nd nutrient necessa ry for plants. and whether experiment using "Aiterrarium" ca n be exec ute d at uppe r seco ndary school. Th e remotely-controlle d Aiterrarium is an indoor ga rde nin g system in which th e fluor esce nt li g htin g, temperature. humidit y. soil wate r conte nt. and water s upply is all controlled via the inte rn e t. The
more » ... ttached web ca me ra can monitor the growin g process from anywhere via the in tern et. As a result of practice in upper secondary school. the stud e nts were able to vis ua ll y observe the nutrie nt de fi cie nc y disease. and under stand that the nourishment necessa ry fo r the plan t was the inorgan ic sa lt dissol ved in waler. It is necessary fo r the plant as nouris hme nt durin g the weekend and s umme r vacation, etc .. it is ve ry effective as the equipm e nt th at ca n support longterm c ul tivation of the plan t. an d ca n ex pec t the effect as one way th at ex pands the possibili ty of the stud y support and a new learning system . sin ce Aiterrarium a ll ows us to fr eely control no t only inspection a nd the preserva tion of a real-time im age. but also s prin kling water and the te mpe ra ture manage me nt. e tc. -9-
doi:10.11639/sjst.52.2.1 fatcat:gly6oid4tjdtdmfsnkjjkdq7da