Diffusion treatment of quantum theory and gravity. 2. Diffusion gravity

Zahid Zakir, Centre for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
In the diffusion quantum mechanics (DQM) described in the first paper, the conservative diffusion of classical particles in a background field with a uniform energy density leads to the formalism of quantum mechanics. DQM provides a physical explanation for two fundamental facts -fluctuations in the energy of particles in the background field (their "thermal" energy) is manifested as their rest energy, and a corresponding decrease in the energy of the background field particle's vicinity
more » ... as gravity. The influence of one particle on the background field is insignificant, but a very large number of particles in a small region noticeably reduces the local energy density of the background field. This reduces the local velocity of particle fluctuations, and also leads to the thermal diffusion flux of particles into this region. The increments of velocity, due to the conservativity of diffusion, cumulative and the appearing thermal diffusion acceleration does not depend on the masses of accelerated particles. As a result, the world lines of particles are curved identically and all processes with them slowdown, which means time dilation. Thus, the local energy deficit of the background field, generating conservative thermal diffusion, reproduces the basic properties of gravity. The effective metrics, connection and curvature appear on the hypersurface of simultaneity t=const., where the background field is defined. The Einstein's equations follow from the balance of energies in the system "the source + background field". Gravitation, as a result, appears as a consequence of the DQM, representing the manifestation of quantum fluctuations of particles in the inhomogeneous background field, i.e. as the diffusion gravity. Some observable effects of the diffusion gravity in astrophysics and cosmology are discussed.
doi:10.9751/qgph.1-004.7129 fatcat:vd3iulfn4bfrvn2epb2hfxlrzm