Demineralized bone matrix: A cheap solution for ulna defect healing in a Pigeon

Ahmed Tunio
2016 Pure and Applied Biology  
Purpose of this study was to find out whether demineralized bone matrix (DBM) could be used for ulna defect healing in pigeons. For this study total 12 pigeons were purchased then divided into three groups and placing four birds per group. Study duration was 3, 6 and 12 weeks post bone grafting. A 1-cm bone defect was created in left ulna only then DBM graft was placed in between the ulna defect and graft was covered with host tissue. Surgical wound was closed with Vicryl 3-0 suture material.
more » ... en ulna fracture was fixed with four external skeletal fixation pins (type-1). The DBM graft was prepared from donor pigeon bone using hydrochloric acid (0.6M). DBM bone graft healing was evaluated with radiography and histology techniques. Results of radiographic assessment showed no bone graft healed after 3 and 6 weeks post-surgery, but after 12 weeks of healing, 50% birds showed bone union. While, histological observations showed DBM graft was successfully incorporated in defect site and formed some new bone formation after 3 and 6 weeks of surgery. After 12 weeks of graft healing there was increased new bone formation and good graft incorporation. DBM graft is easy to prepare and could be useful for defect healing in birds because it have bone morphogenic proteins (BMP-2). This study investigated that DBM graft showed potential effect for new bone formation and best graft for defect healing in pigeon.
doi:10.19045/bspab.2016.50160 fatcat:r5okgl3wobebtfp64ffacf35ia