A Calculation of Polarized Electron Multiple Scattering Asymmetres [report]

A. J. Dufner, A. V. Bushkovitch
1968 unpublished
The first order polarization dependent electron multiple scattering theory of Toptygin has been evaluated for realistic experimental conditions. The result is a prediction of essentially no beam depolarization. Recent experiments are discussed, and calculations are made to illustrate the influence of multiple scattering on Mott double scattering asymmetries. * Supported in part by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. clusions of Toptygin's theory are indicated (Section III), and these results
more » ... then used in the asymmetry formulas previously developed to give comparisons with the predictions of single scattering theory (Section IV). Curves are given for a possible check with experiment.
doi:10.2172/1444485 fatcat:jupknxonezdmhnu4aeawch5eda