Monitoring patients on lithium – a good practice guideline

Joy Nicholson, Brian Fitzmaurice
2002 Psychiatric bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists  
Aims and Method To develop a guideline that would encourage a systematic approach for both psychiatrists and general practitioners in the provision of safe, effective and consistent management of patients who are prescribed lithium. A multi-disciplinary working group developed the guideline following literature review and consultation with lithium clinics and specialist centres nationally. Results The Lothian lithium guidelines include three sections: (a) a lithium treatment plan; (b) advice
more » ... clinicians on managing lithium levels; and (c) pointers for counselling patients on lithium. The treatment plan is a key document in the guidelines which, once completed, ensures continuity of care with the transfer of patient-specific information. Clinical Implications This development has provided the opportunity for primary and secondary care services to work together in producing a guideline that will improve patient care and minimises risk.
doi:10.1192/pb.26.9.348 fatcat:exvcdu5jyjh33jsbwjtmpxvd6q