The character of Taras Shevchenko in the periodical of the Sumy region in the 1950s and 1980s
Постать Тараса Шевченка у періодиці Сумщини 1950–1980-х років

Oksana Zvahelska
2018 Obraz  
The characTer of Taras shevchenko in The periodical of The sumy region in The 1950s and 1980s T. Shevchenko's life and creative activity are closely connected with the Sumy region: he visited the region numerous times, created a series of poetry pieces and paintings while being there, had more than a few friends among the locals, some of the most well-known of them being P. Kulish, the Lazarevsky brothers, H. Vashkevych, the Khrushchevs and others. The subject of T. Shevchenko's connection to
more » ... e area has therefore frequented the pages of periodicals. The aim of the research -to study the influence of local lore materials about T. Shevchenko issued in the 1950s -1980s in Sumy region newspapers, on the mass audience in terms of its socialization. Newspapers «Leninska pravda», «Maiak komunizmu», «Radianskyi prapor» issued in 1950 -1989 have been characterized. Over eleven thousand issues of the mentioned periodicals have been studied. Three hundred fifty publications of different genres about the life and creative activity of T. Shevchenko have been identified, described and analyzed. The majority of materials described mass cultural events devoted to honoring his memory. Newspapers also wrote about T. Shevchenko's place and role in the creative activity of Sumy region artists, about his stay in the area and his relations with the natives, as well as analyzed his life and creative activity. The mentioned publications were prepared by 131 authors.
doi:10.21272/2415-8496-2018-2(28)-92-101 fatcat:ow427smgebd2reo7suzp2ai4jy