Place storming

Ken Anderson, Jane McGonigal
2004 Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction - NordiCHI '04  
We present Place Storming, an original method of brainstorming technological concepts, particularly in the area of pervasive computing. Place Storming is contextdriven and play-based, combining real world environments with the immersive and performative aspects of gaming. In this paper, we discuss the background and techniques we used to create and deploy our method. Examples are drawn from a March 2004 Place Storming event to highlight key strengths of the method. Suggestions are made for what produces successful Place Storming sessions.
doi:10.1145/1028014.1028026 dblp:conf/nordichi/AndersonM04 fatcat:xzihgd7z2bg7vl67lbxvdjqrde