Modern Forms of Folk Festival and Folk Cultural Traditions

Ekaterina A. Shchelkina
2016 Journal of Siberian Federal University  
In this article, the author addresses the issue of adaptation of folk festivals and folk cultural traditions to the conditions of modern culture. We consider folk traditions and folk festivals as the artistic and mass action demanding taking into account the specificity of the contemporary cultural situation. By making the holiday understandable and close to modern audience, the organizers will be able to attract the audience's attention to the folk rituals, customs, games, arts and crafts,
more » ... h reflect the spiritual beauty and the power of the nation; to arouse interest in the folk origins of art and creativity. Modern festival culture includes a large number of remarkable dates and events, which are the basis for creative professionals working in the holiday industry. The events serving the basis for the holiday are diverse: from the private party, where the real actor is one person, up to the public holiday, where group of people,
doi:10.17516/1997-1370-2016-9-6-1513-1520 fatcat:6jr4uhvwifcqbo7ths6e6l7mjm