Using a Sony Cyber-Shot Digital Camera for Photomicrography

Gregor Overney
2002 Microscopy Today  
Photomicrography is the combination of photography and compound microscopy. Photographers working with compound microscopes are facing many challenges (for an introduction see [1] and [2]). Digital photography offers great advantages, but also adds additional difficulties. Digital cameras have been used in photomicrography for over a decade now. Today, we have access to many excellent consumer-grade digital cameras that are most suitable for low-cost imaging systems for light microscopy. In
more » ... short paper, I summarize my experience with the Sony DSC-S70 digital camera, which comes with a nice, large Zeiss lens. (Most of the ideas presented in this paper are also valid for the DSC-S75 and DSC-S85.)
doi:10.1017/s1551929500058442 fatcat:t2i5tizr2bfktin4gob47ggm7m