On the inverse diamond kernel of Marcel Riesz

D. Maneetus, K. Nonlaopon
2013 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis  
In this paper, we define the diamond Marcel Riesz operator of order (α, β) on the function f by where K α,β is diamond kernel of Marcel Riesz, α, β ∈ C, the symbol * designates the convolution, and f ∈ S, S is the Schwartz space of functions. Our purpose of this paper is to obtain the operator Our results generalize formulae appearing in A. Kananthai [On the convolutions of the diamond kernel of Marcel Riesz, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 114(2000), 95 − 101]. Mathematics Subject
more » ... cation: 46F10, 46F12 Keywords: Diamond kernel of Marcel Riesz, diamond operator, ultrahyperbolic kernel of Marcel Riesz, ultra-hyperbolic operator, Dirac-delta distribution
doi:10.12988/ijma.2013.13040 fatcat:ibkf36w25zgljll7cojeukkxwm