A clinical study of lower limb cellulitis

Venkata Narayana Badipatla, Srinivasa Rao Gurugubelli, Mallapragada Rama Chandra, Peela Laxmi Teja, Vagdevi Bade, Santosh Raja Erabati
2022 International Surgery Journal  
Cellulitis is a soft tissue infection emerging as a major health issue in India. The aim of this study was to understand the incidence and associated causative factors of lower limb cellulits.Methods: This study was carried out at Department of General Surgery. This was a prospective, and NRI Institute of Medical Sciences, observational, clinical study included 100 patients who were admitted to the Visakhapatnam, with lower limb cellulitis. Period of study was between November 2017 to February
more » ... 022.Results: The average age of incidence in the present study was 54.6 years and major risk factor is trauma. Among them 44% had open wound and of them only 34% of patients had growth for bacteria. Of 100 patients,15% progressed to necrotizing fascitis. The rate of mortality was 3% which was attributed to elderly age, renal failure and sepsis.Conclusions: Hospital stay in cellulitis harness the years of healthy life leading to a reduction in income, aggravation of poverty levels and reduction in socioeconomic development of an individual. Proper understanding of the risk factors and factors associated with the complications of lower limb cellulitis will help healthcare professionals in implementing preventive strategies and consequently curb both the financial and health burden associated with the disease.
doi:10.18203/2349-2902.isj20221894 fatcat:3qyaijgb7rdtdhbuszfrmgu2iu