Wind/Solar : A Regulatory Guide to Leasing, Permitting, and Licensing in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington
Don Bain, R. Gordon Bloomquist
L Prepared by the Washington State Energy Office iv cooperation with the Oregon Department of Energy and A the Idaho Department of Water Resources for R The Bonneville Power Administration A ,eement 9,P,60 , MTEn 1_STRIBUTION OF THIS DOCLIMENT IS UNLIMIT_DF_ Disclaimer This publication was prepared for use by interested resource developers and the Bonneville Power Administration. Neither the Bonneville Power Administration, nor the United States Department of Energy, nor the Oregon Department
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... Energy, nor the Washington State Energy Office, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Reference herein to any specific product, process, or service by trade name, mark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. Please be aware that information included in this guide is subject to constant change. The Washington State Energy Office, the Oregon Department of Energy, and Bonneville Power Administration are not to be held responsible for information that is different than in this guide. Each legislative session, new laws are developed and old laws are altered or repealed. Agencies, commissions, and other authorities periodically create new or update their administrative rules and codes, increase fees, or reorganize. Also, there are resource protection requirements that are not listed in this guide. Requirements issued by special districts, such as sewer and water, diking, irrigation, port districts, etc., are not addressed herein. Some requirements may have been inadvertently left out, and in some cases, state agencies chose not to include those requirements that would apply only in rare cases. The only way to be absolutely sure about permit requirements that apply to a particular project is to contact the appropriate agencies, commissions, and authorities. Acknowledgements The author wishes to recognize the substantial contributions of several people without whom this guide would not have been possible. First, R. Gordon Bloomquist and Char Gruessing of the Washington State Energy Office (WSEO) who provided essential raw materials to get this project started, particularly for the states of Washington and Idaho, and displayed near infinite patience during its completion. Second, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation staff provided a prerelease version of another guidebook, lots of explanation of their unique siting regulations, and useful comments on the draft version. Third, Wyatt Rogers of the Council of Energy Resource Tribes provided the bulk of the materials about Indian lands on short notice. Last, but not least, Meg Moorehead and Larry Epstein's published work on renewable energy facility siting and model ordinances during the early to mid 1980s for the Oregon Department of Energy provided many important passages in the federal and Oregon sections of the guide.