BM.3 - Biomimicry at the molecular level: Molecularly imprinted polymers as synthetic antibodies for bioanalysis, biosensing and bioimaging

K. Haupt, F. Bokeloh, M. Panagiotopoulou, P. Rangel, University Of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Biomimicry is the general term covering any approach aimed at reproducing artificially essential properties of one or more biological systems. This is done in order to exploit natural mechanisms or materials for direct applications in different technological domains, in particular in materials science. At the molecular level, one example of biomimetic materials is molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs)...
doi:10.5162/imcs2018/bm.3 fatcat:ztk2ee5i25fslocwtd7iimqwpa