A New Scale-Invariant Lindley Extension Distribution and Its Applications

Mohamed Kayid, Rayof Alskhabrah, Arwa M. Alshangiti, Sanku Dey
2021 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
A new scale-invariant extension of the Lindley distribution and its power generalization has been introduced. The moments and the moment-generating functions of the proposed models have closed forms. The failure rate, the mean residual life, and the α -quantile residual life functions have been explored. The failure rate function of these models accommodates increasing, bathtub-shaped, and increasing then bathtub-shaped forms. The parameters of the models have been estimated by the maximum
more » ... ihood method for the complete and right-censored data. In a simulation study, the efficiency and consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator have been investigated. Then, the proposed models were fitted to four data sets to show their flexibility and applicability.
doi:10.1155/2021/3747753 fatcat:mer6tzyyuzggbmxeyatyal4jr4