Comment on "Intensity Correlations and Mesoscopic Fluctuations of Diffusing Photons in Cold Atoms"

B. Grémaud, D. Delande, C. A. Müller, C. Miniatura
2008 Physical Review Letters  
In a recent Letter (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 083601 (2007), arXiv:cond-mat/0610804), O. Assaf and E. Akkermans claim that the angular correlations of the light intensity scattered by a cloud of cold atoms with internal degeneracy (Zeeman sublevels) of the ground state overcome the usual Rayleigh law. More precisely, they found that they become exponentially large with the size of the sample. In what follows, we will explain why their results are wrong and, in contrary, why the internal degeneracy leads to lower intensity correlations.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.100.199301 pmid:18518497 fatcat:sqvyzbvu7ngvno4wjf7akfxpqe