Laser Printing of Translucent Plasmonic Multicolor Images Based on Gold Nanoparticles

Qianru CHEN, Yoshinori KUROIWA, Tetsu TATSUMA
2021 Electrochemistry (Tokyo. 1999)  
Gold nanoparticle ensembles were prepared by laser dewetting from a gold thin film on a glass substrate. The gold film was scanned by infrared laser (1064 nm) using a fiber laser scanner. The morphology, color, and shading of the nanoparticles were controlled by changing two parameters, the laser intensity and the laser scan rate. Laser printing of a multicolor image was successfully demonstrated. This simple method would be applied to patterning of electrodes and semiconductor films with gold
more » ... anoparticle ensembles with different optical properties.
doi:10.5796/electrochemistry.21-00029 fatcat:fllnyjwbavcsfarrvrg74u4wii