Anti-diffusive High Order WENO Schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations

Chi-Wang Shu, Zhengfu Xu
2005 Methods and Applications of Analysis  
In this paper, we generalize the technique of anti-diffusive flux corrections for high order finite difference WENO schemes solving conservation laws in [21] , to solve Hamilton-Jacobi equations. The objective is to obtain sharp resolution for kinks, which are derivative discontinuities in the viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. We would like to resolve kinks better while maintaining high order accuracy in smooth regions. Numerical examples for one and two space dimensional
more » ... s demonstrate the good quality of these Hamiltonian corrected WENO schemes.
doi:10.4310/maa.2005.v12.n2.a6 fatcat:2l2uxpj4tjbgrfouuf4blktkyq