Construction of knowledge test and measurement of beekeepers knowledge about beekeeping practices under NHM

Jaya Mehra, K Dangi, Vanpal Boyal
2018 International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Special Issue I   unpublished
Beekeeping is an important component of agriculture and rural development programmes in many countries. The role of beekeeping in providing nutritional, economic and ecological security to the rural communities at the household level is an additional income generating activity. This, being a non-land-based activity, does not compete with other resource demanding components of farming systems (FAO, 1990).National Horticulture Mission was launched in the country in May 2005 as a centrally
more » ... d scheme to promote holistic growth of the horticulture sector through an area based regionally differentiated strategies. Beekeeping vocation is popular under this scheme in Kota district of Rajasthan. The present investigation was undertaken to determine the actual knowledge level of Beekeepers about scientific beekeeping practices under NHM. To find out the knowledge level of beekeepers a knowledge test was constructed. The present study was undertaken in Kota district of Rajasthan. Total 151 beekeepers from 41 villages of three panchayat samities were interviewed for data for the study. The study indicated that majority of the beekeepers (98.01 per cent) had high knowledge level about recommended scientific beekeeping practices. It was concluded that beekeepers with MPS 88.08 had high knowledge level about extraction of honey.