User Provisioning Processes in Identity Management addressing SAP Campus Management [book]

Marwane El Kharbili, Thomas Mathes, Perera Praharshana, Christian Emig, Sebastian Abeck
This document is the report of the work of an ISWA working team on a "WUSKAR case study". This study tackles on the desire of meta directory synchronisation with a proprietary SAP R/3 system in the context of an identity management system. Early tasks concern identifying exact desires and scenarios, modelling the synchronisation process, identifying what relevant data is to be processed, as well as proposing templates for the matching and transformation process. Intermediate tasks are related
more » ... the technical aspects of the case study, as well as problem task division and progress management, regular review of strategic and technical choices.
doi:10.5445/ir/1000008047 fatcat:bkwcltaknraexndp5xw7tc7zj4