Using adenosine triphosphate in catheter radiofrequency pulmonary vein isolation: does elimination of "dormant" atriovenous conduction really allow to refine long-term results?

Y. S. Krivosheev, D. I. Bashta, A. A. Simonyan, T. A. Myznikova, Z. A. Mishodzheva, V. N. Kolesnikov
2017 Patologiâ Krovoobrašeniâ i Kardiohirurgiâ  
<p>This literature review looks at the efficacy of removing "dormant" atriovenous conduction, which can be identified by means of intravenous ejection of adenosine triphosphate following catheter isolation of pulmonary vein ostia in patients with atrial fibrillation. The incidence of detecting conduction "breakthroughs" in the ablation lines when carrying out drug tests after isolation of pulmonary veins, as well as the prognostic significance of this phenomenon for atrial fibrillation
more » ... e are evaluated. Also assessed are drawbacks and limitations of the studies looking at the possibility of improving the efficiency of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation by combining the removal of "dormant" atriovenous conduction zones identified by adenosine triphosphate testing and the ablation of ganglionated plexi.</p><p>Received 10 April 2017. Accepted 23 October 2017.</p><p><strong>Funding:</strong> The study did not have sponsorship.</p><p><strong>Conflict of interest:</strong> Authors declare no conflict of interest.</p><p><strong>Author contributions</strong><br />Conception and study design: Y.S. Krivosheev, V.N. Kolesnikov.<br />Data collection and analysis: Y.S. Krivosheev, D.I. Bashta.<br />Drafting the article: Y.S. Krivosheev, A.A. Simonyan.<br />Critical revision of the article: V.N. Kolesnikov.<br />Final approval of the version to be published: Y.S. Krivosheev, D.I. Bashta, A.A. Simonyan, T.A. Myznikova, Z.A. Mishodzheva, V.N. Kolesnikov.</p><p> </p>
doi:10.21688/1681-3472-2017-4-23-30 fatcat:36rutbaymbb2fena5epxp5q7xq