Time-adjusted Analysis Shows Weak Associations Between BCG Vaccination Policy and COVID-19 Disease Progression [article]

Katarina Bodova, Vladimir Boza, Brona Brejova, Richard Kollar, Katarina Mikusova, Tomas Vinar
2020 medRxiv   pre-print
In this study, we ascertain the associations between BCG vaccination policies and progression of COVID-19 through analysis of various time-adjusted indicators either directly extracted from the incidence and death reports, or estimated as parameters of disease progression models. We observe weak correlation between BCG vaccination status and indicators related to disease reproduction characteristics. We did not find any associations with case fatality rates (CFR), but the differences in CFR
more » ... mates are at present likely dominated by differences in testing and case reporting between countries.
doi:10.1101/2020.05.01.20087809 fatcat:igaleg7x4fdb3a43i43ucmxfui