Sampled-data Observer-based Glucose Control for the Artificial Pancreas

2017 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica  
Artificial Pancreas (AP) is an expression referred to a set of techniques for the closed-loop control of the plasma glucose concentration by means of exogenous insulin administration in diabetic patients. Diabetes comprises a group of metabolic disorders char- acterized by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period, due to pancreas failure to produce enough insulin and/or insulin resistance, so that higher amounts of insulin are usually required in order to keep glycemia in a safe range.
more » ... this work, we face the problem of glucose control for a class of Type-2 diabetic patients, in the presence of sampled glucose measurements and without any information about the time course of insulinemia. A compact physiological model of the glucose-insulin system is reviewed, then an observer (based on this model) is designed to estimate the insulin trajectory from the glucose samples. Finally, a feedback control law (based on the reconstructed state) is designed to deliver exogenous intra-venous insulin to each individual. Simulations have been performed in-silico on models of virtual patients, whose parameters are tuned according to real data, and aim at validating the method in the presence of parameter variations and quantization errors.
doi:10.12700/aph.14.1.2017.1.6 fatcat:2quwd744hrcvnm6dxdlyfilmsy