To Study Adrenal Insufficiency and to Determine Relationship between Serum Albumin and Serum Cortisol Levels in Cirrhotic Patients

Saloni Saloni, Saloni, Navjot Kaur Bajwa
2019 International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research [IJCMR]  
In patients with cirrhosis, albumin synthesis is decreased because of the loss of hepatic cell mass. Adrenal insufficiency (AI) has been demonstrated in patients with severe liver disease. The percentage of AI in cirrhotic patients varies among different studies and depends on different methods and criteria used to evaluate adrenal function. As both serum albumin and cortisol levels are low in cirrhotic patients we want to determine relationship between serum albumin and cortisol levels.
more » ... research aimed to study adrenal insufficiency in patients of cirrhosis and to determine the relationship between serum albumin and serum cortisol levels.
doi:10.21276/ijcmr.2019.6.11.2 fatcat:7c3kvdgbcrhujbhlug4cbal5cy