Formation of electron kappa distributions due to interactions with parallel propagating whistler waves

X. Tao, Q. Lu
2014 Physics of Plasmas  
In space plasmas, charged particles are frequently observed to possess a high-energy tail, which is often modeled by a kappa-type distribution function. In this work, the formation of the electron kappa distribution in generation of parallel propagating whistler waves is investigated using fully nonlinear particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. A previous research concluded that the bi-Maxwellian character of electron distributions is preserved in PIC simulations. We now demonstrate that for
more » ... tions between electrons and parallel propagating whistler waves, a non-Maxwellian highenergy tail can be formed, and a kappa distribution can be used to fit the electron distribution in time-asymptotic limit. The j-parameter is found to decrease with increasing initial temperature anisotropy or decreasing ratio of electron plasma frequency to cyclotron frequency. The results might be helpful to understanding the origin of electron kappa distributions observed in space plasmas. V C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.
doi:10.1063/1.4865574 fatcat:pmtvwiug2jgdpamsaejlsv2g2a