A Systemic Approach For Optimum Firefighting Operatio Against Multiple Fire Floolwing A Big Earthquake

A. Sekizawa, K. Sagae, H. Sasaki
1989 IAFSS - The International Association for Fire Safety Science : proceedings  
The system for predicting the optimum firefighting operation against multiple fires following a big earthquake was developed. The computational calculation using this system provides how to dispatch fire engines in order to obtain the most effect such as the most number of suppressed fires and the least burned area in the initial stage of the firefighting operation. Additionally, this system, which is basically for the real time simulation, has other applications: the estimation of the
more » ... ing force and the firefighting fac ilities, the evaluation of fire resistance of the urban configuration against fires following an earthquake, and the training of the commander for the firefighting operation. The model of this system and the results of case study for a certain ward in Tokyo Metropolis are presented.
doi:10.3801/iafss.fss.2-423 fatcat:huwdv7oainet7k2tlxwkz235lq