A unified formula of a series of exact solutions for coupled Schrödinger-KdV equation

Changfu Liu, Jinmei Liu, Ping Zhou, Min Chen, Changfu Correspondence, Liu, Changfu Liu, Jinmei Liu, Ping Zhou, Min Chen
2016 International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics   unpublished
In this paper, a unified formula of a series of exact solutions for the coupled Schrödinger-KdV equation is obtained by using Hirota bilinear method and trial function method. These solutions contain bi-soliton solution, singular periodic amplitude solution and breather soliton solution. The results contribute to a better understanding of the structure of the solutions and non-linear phenomena for the coupled Schrödinger-KdV equation. Introduction Takao Yoshinaga et al. studied nonlinear
more » ... tion between long and short waves from the following model, which was called coupled Schrödinger-KdV equation [1] .