The electrocardiogram change of conus branch occlusion during right coronary artery angioplasty

Toshiki Kuno, Taishi Fujisawa, Yohei Numasawa, Toshiyuki Takahashi
2015 Case Reports in Internal Medicine  
There are few reports of electrocardiogram (ECG) changes of conus branch occlusion. A conus branch artery supply to the outflow tract of right ventricle. A conus branch artery is considered as the substrate of Brugada syndrome. We report a case of conus branch occlusion during angioplasty with ST segment elevation in V 1-3 like Brugada syndrome ECG. We need to bear in mind that this ECG change may cause lethal arrhythmia.
doi:10.5430/crim.v2n2p7 fatcat:y6kozxp4ifhcrpxdnow5yfgrti