Partial melting of phlogopite-bearing synthetic spinel- and garnet lherzolites

International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstracts: 1973   unpublished
The principal mineral phases of phlogopite-garnet or spinel-lherzolite appear in the six component model system Ca0-K20-MgO-Al203-Si02"H20 (CKMASH) as phlogopite, spinel, pyrope-rich garnet, spinel^forsterite, enstatite and diopside. An interpretation of results at 15 kb is presented in fig 1 which is a projection of starting compositions into the system Ca0-Al203-K20 (CAK) from MgO, Si02 and H2O (forsterite, enstatite and vapour) showing the nature of the additional crystalline phases
more » ... , phlogopite or spinel) which will crystallize from the starting compositions, forsterite* enstatite and vapour already being present. Boundaries between the fields
doi:10.29173/ikc845 fatcat:qjkfbgom4rhbtd535enkbpp5ly