Safety and Risk Assessment of Civil Aircraft during Operation [chapter]

Asif Mostafa
2020 Safety and Risk Assessment of Civil Aircraft during Operation  
Risk and safety are always considered to be the most critical operational characteristics of civil aircraft. Typically, they relate to the possible occurrence of air traffic collisions that could result in loss of life, damage to infrastructure, and damage to property by third parties. Consequently, in addition to other adverse effects such as noise, air pollution, they were deemed externalities. Risk and protection became topics of continuous study, ranging from purely technical/technological
more » ... spects to explicitly administrative ones, due to their inherent very high importance. Such concerns require the establishment of appropriate regulations regarding designs and operations of device technology. In order assess the risk, there are several methods which include: identification of safety concerns, analysis of the risk factors likelihood, analysis of the risk factors severity, and assessment and the admissibility of risk factors. And finally, reducing of the risk should be performed by three general strategies which are: avoidance of the risk, reduction of risk, and isolation of the exposure. These strategies are implemented based on efficiency, technical measures, controlled measures, staffing measures, cost/benefit, practicality, acceptability of each party, durability, residual risk factor for flights safety, and new challenges. With the advancement of technology, new methods of risk deduction and safety concerns are being developed to ensure safe and risk-free flight operation.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.93326 fatcat:swryrpemjvairfkljffrvg3e6q