آراء طلبة الجامعة الأردنیة حول سلبیات العولمة الثقافیة على الهویة الإسلامیة

2016 مجلة کلیة التربیة. بورسعید  
This research aims to identify the University of Jordan Students' views regarding the negative impact of globalization on Islamic identity by finding whether sex and college variants affect the responses of the students. The researcher has implemented the descriptive analytic research method. A questionnaire consisting of (21) items was distributed on a population consisting of (405) students. The study shows that the item on "creating identity crisis in the cultural identities of people
more » ... the attempt of creating one dominant identity" came in first with a mean of (2.73) and standard deviation of (0.55). The item on the "spread of the American culture based on exclusion" came in second with a mean 0f (2.67) and standard deviation of (0.59). The item on "spreading consumerism and subordination at all levels" came in third with a mean of (2.65) and standard deviation of (0. 59). The item on "spreading egoism and selfishness" came in fourth, "the collapse of Arabic and dominance of the globalization language" came in fifth; "the spread of sectarianism, chauvinism, and racism" came in twentieth; finally, the item on "eliminating the religious values in university students" came in twenty first. The research has shown the absence of significant statistical variation in the views of the university of Jordan students attributed to sex regarding the negative impact of globalization. It has also indicated the presence of statistical variation on the impact of Globalization on Islamic culture attributed to the college variant, specifically the college of engineering and technology.
doi:10.21608/jftp.2016.32124 fatcat:zapgtrwymbaktdddky26pafvuu