Exact scaling solutions and fixed points for general scalar field

Yungui Gong, Anzhong Wang, Yuan-Zhong Zhang
2006 Physics Letters B  
We show that the most general dark energy model that possesses a scaling solution ρ_ϕ∝ a^n is the k-essence model, which includes both of the quintessence and tachyon models. The exact scaling solutions are then derived. The potential that gives the tracking solution in which dark energy exactly tracks the background matter field is the inverse squared potential. The quintessence field with exponential potential can be obtained from the k-essence field with the inverse squared potential. We
more » ... find the fixed points and study their main properties, whereby the scalar field dominant fixed point is identified.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2006.03.057 fatcat:twhayd7gevfxberhxiptqgquqm