Cooling of isolated neutron stars as a probe of superdense matter physics

Alexander Kaminker, Alexander Potekhin, Dmitry Yakovlev
2012 Proceedings of VIIIth Conference Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum — PoS(ConfinementVIII)   unpublished
We review a current state of cooling theory of isolated neutron stars. The main regulators of neutron star cooling are discussed. We outline the sensitivity of cooling models to equation of state of matter in the neutron star core; the presence or absence of enhanced neutrino emission; superfluidity of baryonic component of matter. A comparison of the cooling theory with observations of thermal emission of isolated neutron stars gives a potentially powerful method to study fundamental
more » ... of superdense matter in neutron star interiors. The prospects of studying neutron star parameters and internal structure are outlined. 8th Conference Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
doi:10.22323/1.077.0151 fatcat:fexby5bwpvgrjofwqbdu6z33re