Engaging Education: The Foundation for Wellbeing and Academic Achievement [chapter]

Mette Marie Ledertoug, Nanna Paarup
2021 The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education  
AbstractIn a world of educational crisis, students who lack engagement and feel bored at school might not pursue further education when given opportunities to leave school. In the twenty-first century, there is a need for lifelong learners and it is therefore essential to focus on optimising education. How do we support deep learning and application of knowledge? How do we support student motivation for learning? How do we engage students in learning activities? How do we make students thrive
more » ... schools and learning activities? This chapter offers possible answers to these questions. The chapter starts by introducing important elements of learning and a framework for optimising education and engaging the students. Next, the PERMA model for optimising wellbeing for students is presented, and finally the two frameworks are combined to create thriving learners by focusing on active, involving, and engaging learning in combination with a focus on wellbeing.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-64537-3_18 fatcat:xwjy3zzpvbemvdjuqrvdi3usge