Sedimentologische und elementaranalytische Untersuchungen an Löss-/Paläobodensequenzen in der Umgebung von Krems/Niederösterreich

Ingo Hofer
2010 unpublished
The surrounding area of Krems in Lower Austria is well known for its loess-palaeosol sequences. Four profiles have been excavated in the study area: one at Stratzing next to the archeological station Galgenberg and three in the shooting range of Krems, where samples have been taken from all geologic horizons (except profile KSI 2). Detailed information about the palaeoenvironmental development in the Quaternary have been obtained by chemical, physical and sulphur-carbon (organic and total)
more » ... sis of the samples. Further dating methods (luminescence dating and palaeomagnetism) have been applied to samples taken from the four profiles. The results show, that the loess covering well-developed, conserved, fossile Bt- (in Stratzing Bv-) soil horizons has been accumulated in the Tarantian Stage and the well-developed soils were formed in Ionian Stage. A 3.3 m thick pedokomplex ranging over 8 interglacial Bt-horizons with a high clay content from 35-40 % of mass was discovered in the shooting range profile KSI 1. As final result the landscape evolution is shown in this thesis.
doi:10.25365/thesis.9694 fatcat:5mg23yepknbu3oz3iimpeoqyiu