Spatial "wRapping": A Speculation on Men's Hip-Hop Fashion

Scott L. Ruff
2001 Thresholds  
Since the early 1990s men's hip-hop fashion has become ubiquitous. All across the country, in the American heartland, in popular advertising, and even in elitist private academies, one can find young people wearing the latest "urban" apparel, decked out in FUBU, Pelle Pelle, Wu Wear, Karl Kani, etc. Piggybacking on the wave of globalization, hip-hop's influence has spread: oversized "goose bombers," hoodies, rugby shirts, baggy jeans and variations of Timberland/Lugz boots are seen across the world.
doi:10.1162/thld_a_00433 fatcat:swy5zx36nrekxl4qe5dtvehyom