Preserving Cultural Landscape Of The Modern City: Challenges And Prospects

Galina Zabrodina
2020 unpublished
The processes of globalization and digitalization are phenomena that open up unlimited opportunities for society in all life spheres, and, at the same time, change the cultural landscape, disrupting the process of self-identification not only of a person, but of society itself. Nevertheless, the space of postmodern period culture can be designated as "ordered chaos" or "сhaotic space". It is a space in which an "order" of a qualitatively different nature is arise. In search of this order,
more » ... e "tried on" all the style stages and aesthetic ideals of the past throughout the past century, but did not find a consonance with itself. The new form of information translation conflicts with the anthropomorphic principle that resists merging into a single quantified "we". The deep processes of this conflict inevitably affect the city cultural portrait -the model of human being. This leads to the destruction of the traditional principles of its structural organization. The solution to the problem is to create a methodology for identifying and adapting the individual Place image with its own archetype of the city to the new conditions. The formation of the Place image is inextricably linked with the lifestyle model, the aesthetic ideal and the images system that models the cultural space axiosphere. In this model, the design and aesthetic principles of environment formation are rethought and the anthropomorphic principle that man needed as a biosocial being is preserved.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.05.355 fatcat:ig7ernradrepzpodazlh3dwjwa