Development and study of methods for estimating retinal vessel parameters using a modified local fan transform

Nataly Yu. Ilyasova, Ajzhan S. Baisova, Alexander V. Kupriyanov
2017 Image Processing, Geoinformation Technology and Information Security   unpublished
Estimation of the geometric parameters of blood vessels is an important stage in the diagnosis of many cardiovascular diseases. In this work, we describe a method for estimating the diameter of blood vessels based on a modified local fan transform. We present experimental results that show in which way the accuracy of blood vessel estimation is affected by the noise-to-signal ratio in the image under analysis, vessel curvature radius, and the number of points and angles over which the averaging
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doi:10.18287/1613-0073-2017-1901-92-98 fatcat:zxg4ig2rnfdgfmjgfx6zwbffeu