One Philosopher's Bug Can Be Another's Feature: Reply to Almeida's "Multiverse and Divine Creation"

Klaas Kraay
2018 Religions  
Michael Almeida once told me that he thought we were just a couple of hours of conversation away from reaching deep agreement about some important topics in the philosophy of religion pertaining to God, multiverses, and modality. This paper represents my attempt to move this conversation forward and to seek this common ground. Specifically, I respond to Almeida's paper entitled "The Multiverse and Divine Creation". In the first four sections, I record my disagreement with him concerning some
more » ... ller matters. In Section 5, I try to persuade him that what he considers a 'bug' in the theistic multiverse is actually a feature-and a desirable one at that. In Section 6, I close by identifying some points at which our views seem to converge.
doi:10.3390/rel9010023 fatcat:mslg5fzz45hadcrk6z3wl3ujo4