On-Line RF Amplitude and Phase Calibration

Mariusz Grecki, Valeri Ayvazyan, Julien Branlard, Matthias Hoffmann, Mathieu Omet, Holger Schlarb, Christian Schmidt
The accelerating RF field has crucial importance on the beam properties. It is not only used just to accelerate particles but also to shape the bunches at bunch compressors. It is really important to control and measure the field as seen by the beam while usually only indirect (not using the beam) field measurements are available*. Since they are affected by many contributions the measurements must be always calibrated to the beam. Usually this calibration is performed at special operating
more » ... tions that prevents normal operation of the accelerator. During normal operation the calibrations is assumed to not drift which is certainly not perfectly true and introduce some control errors. The paper shows how to extract the RF-beam calibration from RF signals during normal operating condition (when RF feed-back, beam loading compensation, learning feed-forward etc. are active). All the algorithms and computations were performed on signals recorded at FLASH accelerator but the main idea is general and can be used at other locations as well.
doi:10.3204/pubdb-2017-08779 fatcat:w2h5lcg2ivgchl4egmhgurw4ua