The exponential law: monopole detectors, Bogoliubov transformations, and the thermal nature of the Euclidean vacuum inBbbRBbbP3de Sitter spacetime

Jorma Louko, Kristin Schleich
1999 Classical and quantum gravity  
We consider scalar field theory on the RP^3 de Sitter spacetime (RP3dS), which is locally isometric to de Sitter space (dS) but has spatial topology RP^3. We compare the Euclidean vacua on RP3dS and dS in terms of three quantities that are relevant for an inertial observer: (i) the stress-energy tensor; (ii) the response of an inertial monopole particle detector; (iii) the expansion of the Euclidean vacuum in terms of many-particle states associated with static coordinates centered at an
more » ... l world line. In all these quantities, the differences between RP3dS and dS turn out to fall off exponentially at early and late proper times along the inertial trajectory. In particular, (ii) and (iii) yield at early and late proper times in RP3dS the usual thermal result in the de Sitter Hawking temperature. This conforms to what one might call an exponential law: in expanding locally de Sitter spacetimes, differences due to global topology should fall off exponentially in the proper time.
doi:10.1088/0264-9381/16/6/328 fatcat:tkllqolcmbexhjzmtlmktgq4hq