Dielectric Property of Cacao Butter

Shigeko SHIOMI
1988 Seikatsu Eisei (Journal of Urban Living and Health Association)  
Dielectric properties of cacao butter on the wide range of electric frequency were measured and compared with those of some other fats, namely coconut oil, palm oil, tallow, mixed cacao butter with coconut oil and with palm oil. At temperatures above 20C, the dielectric E, data of these fats were generaly the same except for coconut oil having a slightly higher value. However temperatures below 20°C, the data extremely fell except for palm oil and tallow due to the glyceride composition
more » ... ng a certain amount of S3. The E data of the mixed cacao butter with other fats indicated between each fat in proportion to its mixed ratio. Dielectric Tan s of these fats were characteristic increased in the range of the lower frequency, and then, The Tan c of cacao butter and palm oil were remarkably increased at high temperatures although coconut oil and tallow were only slightly increased. However at low temperatures, Tan s of cacao butter also indicated a higher value, but that of palm oil was not increased.
doi:10.11468/seikatsueisei1957.32.171 fatcat:kdkeretqvbhppp42wqxqtavnzq