Interactive IPTV Services

Rastislav Kokoška, Stanislav Marchevský
2012 Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica  
The aim of this article is to point at the progress in interactive services, which are available in the area of a new generation television sets. The overview of MHP services, their qualities and ways of implementation are mapped. The offer of interactive television has got modern dimensions in the services of communication with the Internet, and its options to cohere the services like internet browser, Family Story, social net, You Tube, and other services. Modern interactive LED television
more » ... gives opportunities to implement a new generation of watching television signal, and own choice of interactivity. . His teaching interests include switching theory, digital television technology, and satellite communications. His research interests include image nonlinear filtering, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and multiuser detection, space-time communication, diversity communication over fading channel, and power and bandwidth efficient multiuser communications.
doi:10.2478/v10198-012-0040-4 fatcat:r7dyydpetvc5xflz6octodb7tq